HiveJournal: Making Beekeeping Easy

Your voice-assisted beekeeper's journal with personal recommendations for hobbyists and professionals.

Effortless Beehive Management
with the HiveJournal App

Streamline your hive management. Whether during or after your beehive inspection, effortlessly record observations and tasks by speaking freely in any language. The integrated AI transforms your verbal input into structured data, presenting all relevant information within your app. Gain access to comprehensive statistics, analyses, and personalised recommendations for your beehives.

Effortless Documentation

Record your hive inspections through voice input, eliminating the need for manual note-taking on paper or apps. Describe your observations and actions on your hive naturally; without the need for specific trigger words. The integrated AI extracts all relevant information regarding the hive's condition and your completed or planned tasks.

Time Savings

Say goodbye to the time-consuming process of documenting hive-inspections on paper or via manual app input. Just record your actions and observations in the hive during your inspection. The AI transforms your recording into structured data automatically.

Facilitated Work with Statistics and Analyses

At a glance you can check your latest inspections and compare the conditions of different hives. Through comprehensive statistics and analyses you can easily recognize trends in hive health, productivity, and behaviour.

Personalised Action Recommendations

Receive tailored suggestions to improve your bees health and boost productivity. Recommendations are based on your location, flowering times, weather forecast, tasks already carried out, and the condition of your bee colony.

Export in Various Formats

Easily export your documentation in different formats (e.g. json, PDF) for personal use or regulatory compliance with authorities and insurance companies.

Integrated Knowledge Database

Access our integrated knowledge database, powered by a dedicated AI trained on specialised literature, offering comprehensive insights and answers across a spectrum of bee-related topics.

Say Goodbye to Pen and Paper: Keep Digital Hive Journals

Keep track of hive inspections, observations, and actions in a centralised, digital format, making it easier to maintain accurate records and improve hive management. With each entry, you automatically customise your hive algorithm to predict hive conditions and productivity.

Perform easy guided inspections

Additionally to our voice-assisted inspection we provide a comprehensive knowledge base and step-by-step instructions to guide you through every important aspect of hive inspections, whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out.

Receive Forecasts and Recommended Actions with AI-Powered Insights and Predictions

Get personalised recommendations and predictive analytics to help with your beehive management. Stay ahead of the game with HiveJournal.

Benefit from journal automation

With each digital journal entry, the algorithm adapts to the unique characteristics of your hive. The more data you provide, the less manual input you need in the future. Our innovative AI technology learns from your input and makes helpful suggestions, making hive inspections a breeze and giving you more time to focus on your bees.

Hardware and software working together as one.

Our hive monitoring sensor frames and app work together for healthier bees, higher honey yields and a more sustainable future. Real-time bee behavior data is analyzed in the app so you can make informed decisions and prevent problems. Track your observations and actions with the searchable digital journal.

Get Beta Access

Join our waitlist to embark on an exciting journey of innovation and gain exclusive access to insights into our product development and upcoming features. Secure your pre-launch discount and enjoy an exclusive sneak peek at the beta version of the Digital Hive Journal. Your feedback is invaluable as you become an integral part of shaping the future of our product.

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We are buzzing with innovation, providing beekeepers with hive-monitoring solutions and an app that offers real-time insights on bee behavior and hive metrics. With a focus on sustainability and bee welfare, HiveReader is creating a buzz for hobbyists to professionals.

Designed with ❤️ in Sofia & Berlin

© HiveReader 2023